Thursday, May 20, 2010

Saturday 5/15/2010

Had a wonderful time and Grandma's Yarns & Notions knitting with my best buds.

Dolores, Dawn, DawnRene, Angie & Nancy. I always have a fantastic time sitting with you guys and knitting.

I even got a finished object noted and a pic put up in Ravelry. I made a pair of child sized booties for Medea Crisp my granddaughter.

I hope she likes them.

Dolores came over about 11:00 a.m. and we had to do a little running around and then I took Dolores out to Olive Garden for her Birthday Lunch. We then found a place that sells yarn from Mexico and picked up a few skeins there. The we went to Michael's and picked up more yarn there.

We then went to Grandma's Yarn's & Notion's and knitted with our friends. A great time was had by all. Yipee!!!!!!!